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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Detox Your Body

Why Detox you ask? How would you know if your Body is Toxic?? well here are 10 signs your body may be  toxic:

1: Constant Sugar Cravings
2: Low or no energy
3: Bloating or gas
4: Migraines or headaches
5: Caffeine addiction
6: Difficulty concentrating
7:  Fluid retention
8: Mood swings/ Irritability/ Anxiety
9: Restless sleep
10: Binge eating/drinking 

And If you are anything like i was 5 weeks ago and beyond I had 9 of the 10. When the Symptoms became so bad that I couldn't even Lay Down I decided to do something about it. It was time. 
So what is Detoxing??
Its a way to clean out the systems of your body.  Like getting an oil change in your car and replacing the old filter with a new clean one. 

Phase One of the Zen Project 8 Program is designed to do just That it is a 7 day phase where you Cut, Clean and Flush the Systems of your Body. When your Body is Toxic it stores fats and fluids as a way to try and neutralize the toxicity of your body. This creates Bloat and Subcutaneous Fat. So we start with Cut:  Cut out the foods that cause Bloating 1) Gluten 2)Soy 3)Dairy 4)Coffee 5)Alcohol.  Yes that does mean your after work Wine or Martini.  Trust me you wont miss it. and we Clean: Whole Protiens like Egg Whites, Chicken and Zen Fuze  Good Fats like Avocado's, almonds and coconut oil And healthy Carbohydrates like Green Apple, Raspberries Then you Clean with Zen Prime and Lots of Water!
I was just explaining to a Girlfriend yesterday that yes Ive lost 10.2 lbs in 5 weeks on Zen Project 8 and yes Ive lost 10 1/4" But the best part is how I FEEL! its amazing to have my mental clarity back and to not be irritable.  Nothing in the last 8 Days of Flying and over 1K passengers has bothered me. Ive handled difficult people with grace and confidence. So if you are suffering from even one of the above symptoms it may be time for you to Detox the healthy way. By Cutting, Cleaning and Flushing your system. Eating in 3's on the 3's that's one healthy clean protein, one healthy Fat and one Healthy Carbohydrate every 3 hours. 

Get Zen Project 8 here


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What is Zen Project 8

So Ive been getting a lot of questions and Comments So Ive decided to chunk it down for every one I hope this will answer at least the beginning questions of Zen Project 8 the Who's the How's and the Why's

What is it?
Isn't  hard to eat every 3 hours, how do you do it?
That is not enough food/Calories for me?
You don't need to be on a Diet!
Why are you on a Diet?
How did you Find it?
I'm a Diabetic, I Cant do that
What Happens after 8 weeks?
How will it benefit me? 

Lets Start with with what is Zen Project 8!

Zen Project 8 is a System of Products a Plan and Community Support!  It was designed by a Team of Doctors in conjunction with CNN Celebrity Nutrition and Fitness Expert Mark MacDonald.  It went through an extensive Beta Test Program and was released to the Independent  Marketers of Jeunesse in early March. On the Philosophy  of eating in 3's on the 3's  1Protien 1GoodFat and 1Carb every 3hours. This keeps your body and Blood Stream in a State of  Homeostasis (or homoeostasis is the property of a system in which variables are regulated so that internal conditions remain stable and relatively constant).  In Lay-men's terms it regulates your Blood Sugar as to stop spiking High or Low.

This allows the Body to run it's self efficiently and eliminate the need for it to store Fat for future energy. This eliminates any need for Calorie Counting again!  Stick with the Portions and be sure not to skip a meal and we have all kinds of tricks so that doesn't happen but I will explain those in a future article as to not bog you down with too much today!

Remember Healthy looks different on every BODY and Just because someone says "That is not on my Diet"  Please do not Judge and say "what are you on a diet for/" or "you don't need to Diet look at how skinny you are!"  ( Yea well you didn't see me 3 weeks ago when I was so Bloated and Miserably uncomfortable I couldn't sit down, My Body was so toxic I couldn't sleep the indigestion and heart burn were so bad it would take 4-5 Tums or Rolaids just for me to get comfortable enough to lay down. My clothes didn't fit, all due to an Injury which kept me out of work for 2 months and Lots and Lots of Stress!!!)   So Please understand that healthy looks different on every BODY.  I'm feeling the best I have in years!  Like 20 years Younger and I look younger too!

I Discovered Jeunesse via there skin care line Luminesce in Mid February. I had watched a video on the profile of someone who started following me on twitter.  I was so Impressed that I decided to try their products. and I fell in love with in 48 hours.

Because Diabetes is a Blood Sugar/Insulin disease and Zen Project 8 is designed to naturally regulate your Blood Sugar here's what people are saying about there levels and medication:

Nancy said: 
Hi all, I began the detox phase on Monday. Since then I have had several episodes of low blood sugar. Being a diabetic, I checked in with my doctor today and he not only wants me to reduce the amount of insulin I inject at night, he also wants me to reduce one of my oral medications by half. It's already making a huge difference in my life. My goal is to no longer be a diabetic. ZenProject8 is saving lives!

Kristin said:
Day 2 of detox week. I had 6 meals today and again took no meal time insulin!!!! And I will be lowering my nighttime basal amount being I was a little low throughout the night last night! It's amazing how great I feel not having the highs and lows all day! Usually, if my chart was a roller coaster it would look a lot more exciting if you know what I mean! MIND BLOW! Feeling so very thankful right now! This is gonna be huge for the diabetic community! My biggest problem has been support. People forget I'm different than them and it's so hard to not just eat what everyone around me is eating because I don't want to be different! Having this group, this community, this family has been the game changer for me so thank you!

Jimmy said:
Well week 5 I have lost 14 pounds and one pant size. I feel great the biggest event for me is my blood sugar levels. I am a type 2 diabetic since 1998 I have trouble keeping my sugar level normal. Since starting using the Zen product I have maintain my level s 90 to 120 and I am not using my long acting insulin or pre meal insulin. My medical provider is looking in lowering my medication in the next 3 months after my check up. My eye sight has improve and I have the workout high that if I do not go tithe gym I feel guilty.

I want to scream from the top of every roof top all the BENEFITS , you can reap from Zen Project 8 for starters, you will have Increased Energy, You will Sleep Better, You will Look Younger, you will be less irritable, you will experience increased Memory  and you will FEEL ABSOLUTELY AMAZING in your BODY!

So Stay tuned for the next Blog Article where i will Chunk Down Phase 1 of the Plan the Detox Phase